Political Disclosure and Accountability

Gen participates in the development of public policy that addresses issues affecting our industry, business, products, and customers. In partnership with business and trade organizations, we work with local, national, and international policymakers to affect policy and legislation. Advancing our voice in the public policy debate and political process allows Gen to better accomplish the mission of protecting our customers’ information-driven world.

Transparency on Political Engagement

The Board has adopted a formal policy regarding political activities, political disclosure and accountability, a description of which is available at investor.gendigital.com under Corporate Governance and Political Disclosure and Accountability. The policy includes standards for participating in the political process for both the Company and its employees, as well as for appropriate disclosure and reporting of political contributions and political activities.

Our Chief Legal Officer and the Government Affairs team are responsible for overseeing all of the Company's political engagements, and monitors compliance with the Company's policy on political contributions. Gen complies with all laws applicable to lobbyists and lobbyist employers as required by law. The political disclosures may be found at disclosurespreview.house.gov and soperweb.senate.gov.

Political Contributions

In accordance with Gen’s Global Political Contributions Policy, any political contributions must be made in accordance with all applicable laws and regulations and disclosed as required by law. Gen does not allow use of corporate funds for political expenditures.

Gen does not maintain a political action committee or PAC. However, prior to the divesture from Symantec the Symantec PAC or SYMPAC was briefly renamed NortonLifeLock PAC. That PAC was closed in April of 2020. In an effort for full transparency, complete list of candidates that have received SymPAC contributions can be found at the Center for Responsive Politics at www.opensecrets.org.

In FY24, Gen did not make any political contributions.

The Company commits to disclosing any future political contributions or membership dues or payments used for political lobbying here and on opensecrets.org.

Trade and Industry Associations

Gen also partners with and supports the efforts of various organizations and coalitions that engage in shaping public policy around cybersecurity, online safety, identity, privacy, intellectual property, and other issues integral to Gen’s business. Organizations in which Gen takes an active role include:

  • ITI – FY24 membership FY24 membership 85K USD
  • European Internet Forum – FY24 membership 12K USD

Like many companies, Gen does or may belong to trade associations, coalitions and organizations. We do not allow any membership dues to be used for political purposes.

To learn more about Gen’s public policy activities and governance, visit our Public Policy or Corporate Responsibility sites.