Our Approach to Corporate Governance

We believe that Gen’s long-term interests are best served when the company proactively considers and addresses the interests and concerns of stockholders and other stakeholders. To that end, we engage in honest and open communication about our company's financial and governance activities and have made our Code of Conduct, the composition of our corporate committees, our political disclosure and accountability, and all our company charters publicly available on our website.

Our Board of Directors is charged with representing the interests of our stockholders and ensuring that the company is managed in alignment with our commitment to the principles of corporate responsibility.

We continually work to strengthen our performance. Below are a few highlights of our corporate governance practices:

  • The nominating committee of the Board of Directors receives regular briefings on Gen’s corporate responsibility objectives and performance.
  • The compensation committee of the Board of Directors undertakes rigorous review of proposed executive compensation packages to ensure a balance between fair compensation and Gen’s ability to attract and retain top talent. The process includes a comprehensive performance evaluation, comparison with other companies' practices, and consultation with compensation experts.
  • We review our internal controls and strengthen our policies and procedures to ensure that our accounting systems are accurate and reliable.
  • We disclose our trade association affiliations and our company position on various public policy issues.


Gen’s leaders bring decades of diverse experience and a history of success. Combining business acumen with technical savvy, these executives guide nearly 4,000 employees to create innovative products and solutions that enable customers around the world to have confidence in their connected world.

Executive Leadership and Board of Directors